Thursday, February 12, 2009

Future Outcomes!

Since a few people have hit me up saying they been interested on hearing more, here I am. I know my last update was months ago but I will be trying on keeping this current. Since the last update things have changed so much in my life. It has been such a change that even my morals may have been affected. I don't clearly know if it was for the good or worse but they have shifted. I do have tons to write about but not thinking is the best to blurb it all out ill keep you guys asking for more. Well since December I have gotten a secound job, found a boyfriend, and created a full blown alter ego. I also have received lots of news the has impacted my life. It changed my way as I know it and nothing will ever be the same.

Shadyness, expensive food, tanning, iPhone, drag clothes, make up, hair cuts these are somethings that have such importance in my life that just shouldn't be as important. In the past week I lost a co-worker. She passed away while on a trip to the Dominican Republic. Only 20 years Stephanie C. passed away. She was full of life a loyal employee and a some one cool to chill with. I didn't much of her nor did I try to get to know her. This showed me that you need to cherish life and try to cultivate friendship sooner then later. This girl had so much going for and it was just taken away. We as humans get so many second third forth chances and do nothing w| it. Making promises and trying to make changes that never take affect. Letting the little things in life to affect you so hard and miss out on such good chances. Why do we do this? Letting yourself become homeless, bankrupt or worse die. Life is all about choices that change the outcome of your life. Me and my boyfriend were walking to go to work at the night club. While walking their a child across the street was playing baseball w| an older man. The ball went to the street and soon after he ran for it totally ignoring his surroundings and forgetting about the car's. Not knowing it could have been the last time he would have been having fun. James Anthony [ The Boyfriend ] later tells me a story about a little girl about 4 years old was playing w| the fire hydrant in the city and the force pulled her out to the middle of the street. Soon after a garbage truck ran her over. This happen when he was about 8 years old, she was so young and passed away so early because a careless mistake. And events likes this always happen around the world decisions that humans make later affect their outcome of life. Going to bed w| the wrong person. Making the wrong business decision or even going down the wrong street.


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