Friday, March 19, 2010

The 4 Letter Word That Starts w L


I just finished watching the movie "The Ugly Truth" very good movie good laughs and also hits right on the bulls eye about a lot of things in general. The leading actress says in part how men aren't how the story books say they are since you are young. Which is a very known fact because most of those stories are fiction. We are brought up in a society which portrays that LOVE brings your life happiness, not just any love but love from a partner. Slowly it then turned into not just love but sex is also what you need in your life to be normal. If you don't have a big penis and can fuck for more then an hour you are not a man. And if you don't have big tits and can have multiple orgasm your not a woman. Then we wonder why STD's are in a high and divorce and pregnancy is so common now in days. Young kids watch movies and think this is the way that everyone else is living their lives out their.

Now my question is why is that once you "fall in love" is when you get hurt? When not even love just like someone. Well that's another thing we made it seem like we are suppose to be with one person are whole life but it has been proven we come from apes which are animals who then do not have just one mate. So why is it so wrong to be with other people. I think I know because since you where little you seen in movies the women cry when she got cheated on. So growing up you where made to think that your significant other should not lust for another human-being. I guess you also get hurt because that is when you start to care. When is it ok to flirt or what does it mean to have gone to far? When should someone feel hurt by the others actions? Are you crazy to suspect or are you stupid to not even think they are?

Love and life are two simple four letter words that are used so much trough out our life. "The LOVE of my LIFE" is this the main goal can someone really survive with out a soul mate or its true love. Isn't their more out their then just that. This is why we do have friends & family for them to love us also. Why is it so important to have that man or women in our life all the time, when we have so many others that care for us. If you want a child why not just adopt their are so many kids out there hungry and alone that need comfort.

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